Friday 30 May 2014

Friday 56! (30th May 2014)

Hi Book Lovers and Welcome to The Friday 56 for the 30th May 2014!

The Friday 56 is a weekly meme which is hosted by Freda's Voice. The objectives of this meme are :

  • Grab a book, any book.
  • Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader
  • Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it) that grab you.
  • Post it.

So here is my post......
          I have chosen this snippet from The Spook's Apprentice by Joeseph Delaney.

Buy it now from The Book Depository
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"I wasn't very old. Pobably seven at the most. I climbed back up the steps and, screaming fit to burst, scratched and banged at the door. But my father was a hard man and he left me all alone in the dark for hours, until long after dawn. After a bit, I calmed down and do you know what I did then?"

I shook my head, trying not to look at his face. His eyes were glittering very brightly and he looked more like a wolf than ever.

"I walked down the steps and sat there in this cellar in the darkness. Then I took three deep breaths and I faced my fear. I faced the darkness itself, which is the most terrifying thing of all, especially for people like us, because things come to us in the dark. They seek us out with whispers and take shapes that only our eyes can see. But I did it, and when I left this cellar the worst was over."


  1. That's an intense excerpt. I haven't read any of these books yet but this sounds really good. Thanks for sharing! My daughter owns most of this series so I may have to steal them from her.

    1. I only recently came across this series, and bought the first two books. I haven't started reading them yet, but after discovering this excerpt when writing this post I think I may have to read it very soon.

  2. Well, the words certainly live up to the cover!

  3. Amazing excerpt! So mysterious and intriguing. I hope I can get to this series soon.

    My Friday 56

  4. Love the cover. Seems like a book both the hubby and myself would enjoy. Thanks!

    Happy weekend!
